Friday, May 31, 2019
Multiple Sclerosis Essay -- Health Medical Medicine Essays
septuple Sclerosis The primary objective of this paper is to gussy up fundamental questions in regards to multiple sclerosis, and to explore possibilities that attempt to answer these inquiries. Second, the prospective outcome is to provide a solid knowledge base for which my peers may take to understand the kind between multiple sclerosis and neurobiology and behavior. The first question to address in the general schema of this essay is What is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple Sclerosis also commonly referred to as MS is considered an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). The key to understanding MS is to recognize its relationship to the human immune system. The immune system is an intricate network of specialized cells and organs that defends the body against attacks by foreign agents also known as antigens such(prenominal) as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. To the contrary, in the case of multiple sclerosis, the connection between the immu ne system and the body is interrupted when the immune system identifies itself, particularly the white intimacy of the central nervous system as a foreign body, and consequently destroys the myelin. The myelin is a fatty tissue composed of rich protein and lipids that protect and insulate the nerve fibers, which serve to carry out electrical impulses. The central nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves thusly MS affects several areas of the human anatomy.Multiple Sclerosis could be described as the loss of myelin in multiple locations throughout the body, which then exposes the nerve fibers and leaves scaring called sclerosis. The contiguous question that should be addressed is What are the principal functions of myelin? In... ...of living with this disease, instead of at its mercy. First, one needs to acknowledge the existence of the disease. Second, an individual should quit time to process the idea of living with the disease. Third, one should b ecome an active agent in fighting the disease by becoming informed. Fourth, a psyche should be willing to make adjustments, which may alter ones lifestyle. In conclusion an individual should not be afraid of multiple sclerosis, but dare to run low a fulfilling life. Bibliography1)http//www.nationalmssociety.org2)http// further information check out4)http//
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a Metaphor in Mrs. Dalloway, By Virgi
When WWI was over, many people questi integrityd the brutality that carried on over the four years that the war was happening. The Europeans trust in authority and in their country began to collapse, and Modernism was a way they could respond to the damage of those beliefs. It was obvious that the old world was gone and a new one had started to arise. In this new world, while other aspects of Europe were advancing, improvement in the psychiatric treatment of mental conditions, for example shell-shock, fell short. Most of British fellowship remained unaware and uninterested in the problems that these illnesses forced on the veterans. This insensitive posture toward the soldiers inspired Virginia Woolf to write Mrs. Dalloway. In this novel she shows us societys attitude towards mental illness by featuring a post war veteran named Septimus Smith. The author uses Septimuss struggles with post traumatic stress disorder as a symbol to illustrate the problems of a modern society that doesn t understand how deeply the damage of World War One has affected people.An example of the remnant between Septimus and the modern world as a whole is when the airplane flies above the people in the city as it spells out the develop toffee. Most of the people watching were amazed by this new technology. Glaxo, said Mrs. Coates in a strained, awestricken voiceKreemo, murmured Mrs. Bletchley, like a sleepwalkeras they looked the whole world because perfectly still(and the car went in the gates and nobody looked at it) (20-21). The people were so enthralled with the plane they didnt blush care about the royal car coming in to the palace. Septimus on the other hand is completely lost in his own thoughts and interprets the plane differently. So, t... ...g to toil the legitimacy and severity of the disease. From this unfortunate reality emerged a Modernist novel in which Virginia Woolf sets out to juxtapose the sane and the insane in an attempt to express her disgust of societys la ck of sympathy and blindness towards those who suffer with mental illness. Work CitedBerman, Jeffrey. Surviving Literary Suicide. Amherst University of Massachusetts, 1999. Print. Korte, Barbara, and Ralf Schneider. War and the Cultural Construction of Identities in Britain. capital of The Netherlands Rodopi, 2002. Print. Levenback, Karen L. Virginia Woolf and the Great War. Syracuse, NY Syracuse UP, 1999. Print. Ronchetti, Ann. The Artist, Society, and Sexuality in Virginia Woolfs Novels. New York Routledge, 2004. Print. Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. San Diego Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981. Print.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Creative Story: Racing Along Walls :: essays research papers
Creative Story Racing Along Walls"Hey Joe, perish me the 3/16 socket," I mumbled into the rump of my car.I felt a nudge in my ribs as my friend, Joe, eliminateed me the socket I asked for.Matching the ends of the hexagonal shaped socket with the counterfoil on my wrench, Ipushed the twain together. A loud click signaled the two ends of the socket andwrench fit perfectly. Reluctantly, I went to work keep downing the chassis of mycar. I felt overwhelmed by the number of lugs I would have to check and tighten.It took me almost a half an hour to completely tighten each bolt and there were tranquillise eight more to go. To tag on to my frustration, the sun was starting to setwhich forced me to use an inadequate electrical lamp to illuminate my garage athome.     Joe, was working on his own car in the garage space next to mine. He wasinspecting and cleaning the outside of his white 1993 Honda Civic SI. He had asoft fabric in one pot and a crop-dustin g bottle of wax in the other. The hand with thesoft cloth would wipe for ten seconds followed by the sqshhh sqshhh of thespray bottle. Always being the meticulous one, he continued his wipe and spraycycle for many hours to make sure his car was immaculate.As I glum one of the bolts clockwise to tighten it, I felt a sharp,searing pain on the upper portion of my hand. Instinctively, I swore, forgettingall the lessons on good discretion my parents had taught me. I brought my hand upto inspect the wound but the darkness of the garage, the setting sun, and thelittle remaining light my car blocked made it so I couldnt see my hand at all.As I climbed out from underneath the car, I noticed that I was leaving a trailof thick, dark, drops with my movements. I carelessly wiped off the dripblood on my shirt and looked at the length and depth of the cut in my hand. Ohman Joe check out this cut. Im loss to love this scar It pass on make my handlook more manly. Oh yeah But my hand hurts real ly bad. I happily exclaimed.The cut ran the hearty length of my hand. Luckily, it was the top of my hand thatwas cut and not the palm side of it, so I knew I didnt get any important veinsthat would make me turn tail to death.Creative Story Racing Along Walls essays research papers Creative Story Racing Along Walls"Hey Joe, hand me the 3/16 socket," I mumbled into the underside of my car.I felt a nudge in my ribs as my friend, Joe, handed me the socket I asked for.Matching the ends of the hexagonal shaped socket with the stub on my wrench, Ipushed the two together. A loud click signaled the two ends of the socket andwrench fit perfectly. Reluctantly, I went to work tightening the chassis of mycar. I felt overwhelmed by the number of lugs I would have to check and tighten.It took me almost a half an hour to completely tighten each bolt and there werestill eight more to go. To add to my frustration, the sun was starting to setwhich forced me to use an inadequate electrical lamp to illuminate my garage athome.     Joe, was working on his own car in the garage space next to mine. He wasinspecting and cleaning the outside of his white 1993 Honda Civic SI. He had asoft cloth in one hand and a spray bottle of wax in the other. The hand with thesoft cloth would wipe for ten seconds followed by the sqshhh sqshhh of thespray bottle. Always being the meticulous one, he continued his wipe and spraycycle for many hours to make sure his car was immaculate.As I turned one of the bolts clockwise to tighten it, I felt a sharp,searing pain on the upper portion of my hand. Instinctively, I swore, forgettingall the lessons on good manners my parents had taught me. I brought my hand upto inspect the wound but the darkness of the garage, the setting sun, and thelittle remaining light my car blocked made it so I couldnt see my hand at all.As I climbed out from underneath the car, I noticed that I was leaving a trailof thick, dark, drops with my moveme nts. I carelessly wiped off the drippingblood on my shirt and looked at the length and depth of the cut in my hand. Ohman Joe check out this cut. Im going to love this scar It will make my handlook more manly. Oh yeah But my hand hurts really bad. I happily exclaimed.The cut ran the whole length of my hand. Luckily, it was the top of my hand thatwas cut and not the palm side of it, so I knew I didnt get any important veinsthat would make me bleed to death.
Lesson Plan Background: Pollution and Global Climate Change Essay exam
Lesson Plan Background Pollution and Global Climate Change Introduction This lesson round pollution focuses on greenhouse gases. Students will learn about greenhouse gases and how they affect ecosystems. The students will understand the greenhouse affect and how their actions relate increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases. In the lesson, students will define the properties of an ecosystem, learn to identify the ecosystems they zippy in and how they interact within an ecosystem. The students will be able to apply what they learned on a local and global level. The students will be assessed for grounds finishedout the lesson as well as at the conclusion of the lesson through activities and discussion. Because the concepts presented are complicated for 4th 5th grade students, the lesson requires the teacher to continually finish for understanding. More detail on the assessments is provided in the Assessment section. This lesson also develops skills th at should help the students meet Colorado State standards. These skills reach the sciences as well as style arts and extend across many specific standards such as reasoning and articulating ideas. The students are encouraged to express ideas and interact with each other through discussion and small group activities while reasoning through challenging concepts. This allows the teacher to engage the students and also allows the students to become more comfortable expressing ideas. The students are also expected to propose actions to reduce pollution at the end of the lesson which allows them to think independently and to feel that they can be leaders and effect change. The first mental synthesis block of the lesson is to... ...n begin a pledge to act on the proposals. The students should realize through this that they can be leaders in effecting change and that they can make a difference. Works CitedCohen, Jordan, and Nick Hopwood. Greenhouse Gases and Socie ty. University of Michigan. 26 Sept. 2006 . CSI Climate Status Investigations. The Keystone Center. 26 Sept. 2006. http// Warming. Encarta Encyclopedia. MSN Encarta. 27 Sept. 2006. http// Variation in Earth History. Class handout. Ecosystem. Encarta Dictionary. MSN Encarta. 26 Sept. 2006. http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Ghost Story of the Haunted House :: Urban Legend Ghost Stories
The Haunted HouseThis haunted ingleside in Hagerstown was create long ago. It is the site of a most interesting ghost point, which happened to my hotshots friends nan. Now while I have perceive many stories similar to this, I have never known someone to be involved in one and actually affected by it. My friends friend is a Caucasian, 17-year-old, female Christian from Hagerstown. Her dad is a postal worker, and her mother works for the government. The story takes place in the house her nan temporarily lived in as a child. I peaceful this story while I was hanging out with my friend in her room. I happened to mean this assignment, and in comes one of her friends with a story to tellThis story takes place in Hagerstown, Maryland. Its in this old house where my gran lived for like a year when she was younger. Before her family moved in, there was an old woman who had just died there. Her room just so happened to be the same room my grandmother stayed in. My grandmot her would tell me that she would leave her room, and when she came back, her door would not only be shut, only when locked. And this even happened when she was in the room sometimes. Plus, there was this rocking chair that was already in the house when they moved in, and it would just rock on its own. Now apparently, there were already rumors that the house was haunted. So, after not even living there for a year, my grandmother and her family moved out.After researching haunted houses in or near Hagerstown, I was surprised to see the many accounts of so called haunted houses in this area. The story I collected includes one of the most common characteristics the mysterious rocking chair that will rock on its own free will. Many of the accounts reported online shared this feature. The other briny paranormal activity from this story is the door shutting and locking itself. This same phenomenon seems to occur in many ghost stories. None of the articles I found online mentioned this feature, but such incidents appear in other stories I have heard from books and movies, so the door shutting and locking itself is certainly not unique to the story above.
Magic Realism in Wise Children by Angela Carter Essay -- Wise Children
Magic Realism in Wise Children by Angela CarterMagical realism is a primarily Latin American literary movement fromthe mid-sixties onwards, which integrates realistic portrayals of theordinary with elements of fantasy and myths. The result of this is arich but disturbing world that appears at once to be very dreamlike.The term magical realism was first used by German art critic, FranzRoh, who said it was a way of depicting the enigmas of reality andliterary critic Isabel Allende has said that in magic realism we findthe transformation of the common and the everyday into the awesome andthe shadowy. It is predominantly an art of surprises. Time exists in akind of fluidity and the unreal happens as part of reality. Once thereader accepts the fait accompli, the rest follows with logicalprecision.Many critics have associated Angela Carters style of writing withmagical realism, a term which refers to a writer portraying imaginaryor improbable elements in a realistic, ordinary way. The no velconforms to the device of magical realism through the use ofreferences and allusions to Shakespeare on that point are five chapters, justas there are always five acts in a Shakespearean comedy Dora and Noralive on adorn Road art imitates life when Ranulph plays Othello, latercatches his wife in bed with someone else and kills them and himselfalso, Tiffany is a reflection of Ophelia, driven mad by love, when shehas a sectionalisation on a live TV game show there are disguises, twins,mistaken identities and love problems, all key elements ofShakespearean comedy. This kind of intertextuality is a subtlemanifestation of magical realism. All the Shakespearean-stylevillainy, comic relief and intricate plot elemen... ...down to earth when Doramentions that a zookeeper came soon after with a net to retaking thebeautiful insects. This is a perfect example of magical realism.As mentioned before, magical realism has its dark and disturbing side,and this is apparent in Wise Children. Whe n Saskia, Doras enemy, is alittle girl, she is seen savagely devouring the carcass of a roastedswan. Later in life, Saskia becomes a TV cook and seems to takesadistic pleasure in disembodying animals.Magical realism is combined with carnivalesque literature in WiseChildren to create a flamboyant, theatrical world within a humble,earthy reality. Both genres plume each other in the novel, asboth involve fantasy-like events and nightmarish imagery, andelaborate, rational explanations are used by Carter to encouragereaders to suspend their disbelief, if only for a moment.
Olestra :: essays research papers
OlestraTechnically speaking, it was to be the something that was supposedly going to change the world. job analysts even proclaimed it as being the "single most important discovery in the history of the food industry", and would generate over a billion dollars annually in sales becomming Procter and Gambles, the creators, best selling product. What is not to like about a product which replaces the fat content in previosly named put away food such as potato chips? Apparently quite a bit.Olestra was first invented in 1968 as a way of increasing an infants intake of fat. This is when they stumbled upon a special chemcial which was actually the hexa, hepta, and octa-esters of fatty acid of sucrose. These molecules are so big and fatty, that the body cannot be metabolized by the body by enzymes and bacteria in the intestine, and as a result is not digested or absorbed. Instead of increasing fat intake, this chemical replaced it.Almost 30 years later, Olestra was finally inclin ed approval by the FDA to be used in food, however, with the condition of a warning label indicating the product can induse upset stomach and loose stools, as well as inhibiting the absorbtion of vitamins A, D, E and K. For a product that was supposed to be perfect, what happened? Studies conducted prior, first with mice, had somewhat alarming results which indicated that in addition to the first two problems stated, Olestra can cause cancer. The flat coat for this is that the product interferes with the bodies natural absorbtion of carotenoids which are found in fruits in vegetables, which help the body fight against cancer. Studies in humans showed that people who consumed 2 grams of Olestra per day had 15% lower level of carotenoids in their body than those who didnt eat them. A regular sized bag of chips made with Olestra however, contain over 15 grams. Further studies showen that when given Olestra doses every day included in every meal, levels dropped over 60%.Once Olestra hi t the market, the FDA recieved more than 1000 reports of the food causing adverse reactions, in time Procter and Gamble still maintain the product is harmless. To perhaps nobodies surprise, "fake-fat" containing products recieved initial high sales, but quickly plummeted due to both the media and word of mouth on its affects, as well as the warning label and relative high price.
Writing and Being Chapter II Exploration: The River of Your Life :: Journal Writing
Writing and Being Chapter II Exploration The River of Your Life Dear Journal, Ive taken some looks back to early point of my life. I was strange to see what got me to this point in my life and what had me turn out to be the person that I am today. I went back as far as my birth to see or try to notice certain things or events that shaped my personality. Like I said, I went back as far as my birth to figure it out. My birth was most definitely the weirdest thing Ive ever experienced, and the worst thing that I probably will ever experience, besides my death, which, so Ive heard, is being born backward. Being born was so weird because it happened through a C-section. I was born on January 20, 1982 in a hospital in Chicago Heights, Illinois. I cant remember whether it was night or day. My parents were there, my grandparents were there. It felt weird because I had no idea whatsoever rough what was going on at the time or where I was. I didnt even know what people were at the time, either. I thought the people watching over me were weird objects. Im authentic I was crying like crazy because of all the commotion. Then, I went to sleep later after all that and woke up. I was wondering what happened. I might cod been in a different room for all I knew then or all I know now. Everything that went on during the first year or so was weird because I didnt know what I was doing or how I was doing it. Id never experienced it before and didnt know what anything was. From that point on until age ten, about 1992, life was very easy. I didnt have to work for what I wanted, Id still just have it given to me, in every place but school. merely I was a good student who did the work, I just didnt like to do it. For a few years after my birth, my grandmother helped raise me spot my mother was trying to attain some degree, Masters, Bachelors, Im not sure which. She used to roll me to the park every afternoon in a carriage and constantly fed
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Gullivers Travels Part One :: essays research papers
Gullivers Travels Part OneThe first part of this novel, which consists of chapters 1-8,is very arouse and should keep the readers attention. It starts off telling of young Gullivers childhood. It mentions three years at college, and his dreams of being a sailor. after his brief time at discipline he become an apprentice to Mr. James Bates.After explaining the early years of Gullivers life the author begins to tell about a few of Gullivers voyages at sea. Eventually returning home, Gulliver spent three years at home with his family. While Gulliver was at home he started a business which short failed. Soon after this he accepts an offer to be the surgeon upon a ship named The Antelope captained by William Prichard.On the 5th of November 1699, during his voyage on The Antelope, his ship lulu a rock that was hidden by the dense fogs of the morning. Luckily he and a few of his shipmates managed to lower a lifeboat and clear the wreckage. Eventually the crew became tire out by the ha rd work of paddling and the lifeboat was eventually overturned by the bad weather. Gulliver swam for almost three English miles until he reached a point in the irrigate he could walk. Walking for what seemed to be along time he eventually made it to shore on a tropical island and immediately went to sleep.Upon his awakening, Gulliver found himself buttoned to the ground and surrounded by thousands of soldiers. They were no more than six inchs tall and armed with bow and arrows, and spears. After weeks of imprisonment he became friends with the Lilliputians. After they gave him his liberty he agreed to capture a fleet of 500 man-of-war battle ships.
Violence, Sensationalism, and the Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth :: Free Essay Writer
Violence, Sensationalism, and the Supernatural in Macbeth Shakespeare had a thorough idea of what his audience wanted. In Macbeth he used violence, sensationalism, and elements of the supernatural to appeal to his audience. Shakespeare knew his audience when he used violence in Macbeth to heighten the effect of the play. One manikin of the violence is this scene. dame Macbeth That which hath do them drunk hath made me bold What hath quenched them hath given me fire. heed Peace It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman, which gives the sternst upright-night. He is about it. The doors are open, and the surfeited grooms do scoff their charge with snores. I arrest drugged their possets, that death and nature do contend about them, whether they live or die. Macbeth Whos there? What, ho? brothel keeper Macbeth Alack, I am afraid they have awaked and tis non d unrivalled Th attempt and non the deed confounds us. Hark I laid their daggers pull in he could not miss em. Had h e not resembled my father as he slept, I had through with(p)t. Macbeth I have done the deed. Didst thou not catch out a noise? Lady Macbeth I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry. Did not you speak? Macbeth When? Lady Macbeth Now. Macbeth As I descended? Lady Macbeth Ay. Macbeth Hark Who lies i th second chamber? Lady Macbeth Donalbain. Macbeth This is a sorry sight. Lady Macbeth A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight. Macbeth Theres one did laugh in sleep, and one cried Murder That they did wake each other. I stood and heard them. But they did say their prayers, and addressed them again to sleep. Here is another(prenominal) example of the violence. Messenger Bless you, fair dame I am not to you known though in your state of honor I am not to you known, though in your state of honor I am perfect. I doubt some danger does approach you nearly if you will portion out a homely mans advice, be found here hence, with your little ones. To fright you thus, methinks I am too savage to do worsened to you were deteriorate cruelty which is too nigh your person. Heaven preserve you I dare abide no longer. Lady Macduff Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But I remember now I am in this earthly world, where to do harm is often laudable, to do good erstwhile(prenominal) accounted dangerous folly.Violence, Sensationalism, and the Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth Free Essay WriterViolence, Sensationalism, and the Supernatural in Macbeth Shakespeare had a thorough idea of what his audience wanted. In Macbeth he used violence, sensationalism, and elements of the supernatural to appeal to his audience. Shakespeare knew his audience when he used violence in Macbeth to heighten the effect of the play. One example of the violence is this scene. Lady Macbeth That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold What hath quenched them hath given me fire. Hark Peace It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman, which gives the sternst good-night. He is about it. The doors are open, and the surfeited grooms do mock their charge with snores. I have drugged their possets, that death and nature do contend about them, whether they live or die. Macbeth Whos there? What, ho? Lady Macbeth Alack, I am afraid they have awaked and tis not done Th attempt and not the deed confounds us. Hark I laid their daggers ready he could not miss em. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had donet. Macbeth I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise? Lady Macbeth I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry. Did not you speak? Macbeth When? Lady Macbeth Now. Macbeth As I descended? Lady Macbeth Ay. Macbeth Hark Who lies i th second chamber? Lady Macbeth Donalbain. Macbeth This is a sorry sight. Lady Macbeth A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight. Macbeth Theres one did laugh in sleep, and one cried Murder That they did wake each other. I stood and heard them. But they did say their prayers, and addressed them again to sleep. Here is another example o f the violence. Messenger Bless you, fair dame I am not to you known though in your state of honor I am not to you known, though in your state of honor I am perfect. I doubt some danger does approach you nearly if you will take a homely mans advice, be found here hence, with your little ones. To fright you thus, methinks I am too savage to do worse to you were fell cruelty which is too nigh your person. Heaven preserve you I dare abide no longer. Lady Macduff Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But I remember now I am in this earthly world, where to do harm is often laudable, to do good sometime accounted dangerous folly.
Gullivers Travels Part One :: essays research papers
Gullivers Travels Part OneThe first part of this novel, which consists of chapters 1-8,is very interesting and should keep the readers attention. It starts off telling of young Gullivers childhood. It mentions one-third geezerhood at college, and his dreams of being a sailor. After his brief time at school he become an apprentice to Mr. James Bates.After explaining the earlier years of Gullivers life the author begins to tell about a few of Gullivers voyages at sea. Eventually returning home, Gulliver spent three years at home with his family. While Gulliver was at home he started a business which soon failed. Soon after this he accepts an offer to be the surgeon upon a ship named The Antelope captained by William Prichard.On the 5th of November 1699, during his voyage on The Antelope, his ship hit a rock that was hidden by the dense fogs of the morning. as luck would have it he and a few of his shipmates managed to lower a lifeboat and clear the wreckage. Eventually the crew b ecame exhausted by the hard work of paddling and the lifeboat was eventually overturned by the bad weather. Gulliver swam for almost three English miles until he reached a point in the water he could walk. Walking for what seemed to be along time he eventually made it to shore on a tropical island and immediately went to sleep.Upon his awakening, Gulliver found himself tied to the ground and surrounded by thousands of soldiers. They were no more than sestet inchs tall and armed with bow and arrows, and spears. After weeks of imprisonment he became friends with the Lilliputians. After they gave him his liberty he agreed to capture a draw of 500 man-of-war battle ships.
Violence, Sensationalism, and the Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth :: Free Essay Writer
Violence, Sensationalism, and the Supernatural in Macbeth Shakespeare had a thorough idea of what his audition wanted. In Macbeth he used violence, sensationalism, and elements of the supernatural to orison to his audience. Shakespeare knew his audience when he used violence in Macbeth to heighten the effect of the play. One example of the violence is this scene. lady Macbeth That which hath made them drunk hath made me gauzy What hath slaked them hath given me fire. Hark Peace It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman, which gives the sternst good- virtuallyt. He is about it. The doors are open, and the surfeited grooms do mock their charge with snores. I hit narcotized their possets, that death and nature do contend about them, whether they live or die. Macbeth Whos there? What, ho? wench Macbeth Alack, I am shocked they direct awaked and tis not d one and only(a) Th attempt and not the deed confounds us. Hark I laid their daggers ready he could not miss em. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had donet. Macbeth I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise? Lady Macbeth I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry. Did not you speak? Macbeth When? Lady Macbeth Now. Macbeth As I descended? Lady Macbeth Ay. Macbeth Hark Who lies i th second bedchamber? Lady Macbeth Donalbain. Macbeth This is a sorry sight. Lady Macbeth A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight. Macbeth Theres one did laugh in sleep, and one cried impinge on That they did wake each other. I stood and heard them. But they did say their prayers, and addressed them again to sleep. Here is another example of the violence. Messenger Bless you, just birdie I am not to you known though in your advance of keep an eye on I am not to you known, though in your state of honor I am perfect. I doubt some danger does approach you nearly if you will take a homely mans advice, be found here hence, with your little ones. To fright you thus, methinks I am too savage to do worse t o you were fell cruelty which is too nigh your person. nirvana preserve you I dare abide no longer. Lady Macduff Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But I toy with now I am in this earthly world, where to do harm is often laudable, to do good sometime accounted dangerous folly.Violence, Sensationalism, and the Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth Free Essay WriterViolence, Sensationalism, and the Supernatural in Macbeth Shakespeare had a thorough idea of what his audience wanted. In Macbeth he used violence, sensationalism, and elements of the supernatural to appeal to his audience. Shakespeare knew his audience when he used violence in Macbeth to heighten the effect of the play. One example of the violence is this scene. Lady Macbeth That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold What hath quenched them hath given me fire. Hark Peace It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman, which gives the sternst good-night. He is about it. The doors are open, and the surfei ted grooms do mock their charge with snores. I have drugged their possets, that death and nature do contend about them, whether they live or die. Macbeth Whos there? What, ho? Lady Macbeth Alack, I am afraid they have awaked and tis not done Th attempt and not the deed confounds us. Hark I laid their daggers ready he could not miss em. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had donet. Macbeth I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise? Lady Macbeth I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry. Did not you speak? Macbeth When? Lady Macbeth Now. Macbeth As I descended? Lady Macbeth Ay. Macbeth Hark Who lies i th second chamber? Lady Macbeth Donalbain. Macbeth This is a sorry sight. Lady Macbeth A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight. Macbeth Theres one did laugh in sleep, and one cried Murder That they did wake each other. I stood and heard them. But they did say their prayers, and addressed them again to sleep. Here is another example of the violence. Messenger Bless yo u, fair dame I am not to you known though in your state of honor I am not to you known, though in your state of honor I am perfect. I doubt some danger does approach you nearly if you will take a homely mans advice, be found here hence, with your little ones. To fright you thus, methinks I am too savage to do worse to you were fell cruelty which is too nigh your person. Heaven preserve you I dare abide no longer. Lady Macduff Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But I remember now I am in this earthly world, where to do harm is often laudable, to do good sometime accounted dangerous folly.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Jealousy in the book of Genesis Essay
The first book of the Pentateuch is rife with Jealousy. It seems a peculiar obsession of those writing in the Lords name. After all, such sins as murder, adultery and slothfulness seem so much more damaging to our communities and our selves. Why are the jade eyes of jealously given so much creationagement in the bibles leadoff book, especially in the story of the foster and third men, Cain and his br different Abel.I suspect that jealousy, being a ecumenic human emotion, one which human beings so easily find themselves sinking into, and one which is so obviously coarse and negative, inspired the writers of the bible to bring attention to its dangers very early on in their text. Although the instances of jealousy found in the later narratives of Genesis, perhaps those of Noah and Abraham, present more nuanced and complex manifestations of this all alike human frailty, the visceral nature of Cains crime and the ambiguity of his atonement must first be addressed, as well as the fu ndamental differences among jealousy among men and mans jealousy of God.Cain is assigned to be the tiller of the ground (Genesis 42 NKJV) in the garden of Eden. Abel, his younger brother, the second son of Adam and Eve, was given the more genteel task of tending to flocks of sheep. Both made offerings to the Lord, Cain in the form of the fruit of the ground (Genesis 43) and Abel the firstborn of their flock and his fat (Genesis 44) which God respected. However the next verse, 45, reveals that God did not respect Cains offering. Why?The Biblical writers, men clear-sighted nothing at all of Gods motivations (not to mention his existence), dont feel the need to indulge us with Gods motives or criteria for respecting an offering. We do know that he took unkindly to Cains countenance, which fell following his rejection. One could easily see how being rejected by God, who hints at some criteria when he says in 47 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at your door.And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it. Of course, in the very next verse, Cain, after a brief conversation with his brother of which we are t overaged nothing about, kills Abel. nether region came to his door, in the form of jealousy toward his brother and he acted upon it in the most despicable way possible. The biblical writers are trying to dramatize an emotion and its consequences as effectively as possible. Did Cain feel that his offering was superior to his brothers and that he being unfairly judged by God?That God would not accept his offering, regardless of the spirit of his fruit? Without more detail, its hard to erect any sort of value judgment, within the Christian Lexicon, on the matter of Cain and Abel. God seems a fine overbearing and perhaps bears more than a small share of the guilt for Cains jealousy. If Cain had toiled that barren mid-eastern soil simply to praise God, rose day and darkness for his Lords glory, than was it pe rhaps a bit insensitive on the Lords part to reject him.Had Abel provoked Cain in any other way? What did they talk about that faithful day? In what language could they fool spoken? As you can see, the first instance of jealousy in the Biblical text leaves more stones unturned and more questions unanswered than not. The story of Cain and Abel illuminates the first instance of intra-human jealousy. From the very beginning however, man was jealous of God. God creates man in his own image and cites him humble and stupid.Adam and Eve were simply to be in the Garden, lord of the Earths other creatures and retard out of Gods affairs, those that concern the moral and scientific complexities of the world. For as God puts it in Genesis 216-17, Of every tree of the Garden you whitethorn freely eat but of the tree of knowledge of peachy and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. Later, after man as created Eve, verse 225 exclaims And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. A surface reading suggests that man was meant for to remain in a pure, infantile state. in the beginning man erected society, technology or democracy, man was designed to remain pure of the complexities of morality. Yet Adam and Eve, given the free will God had granted them and a base awareness of good and evil, ironically because of Gods edict to stay far away from the tree which allows one knowledge of such matters, had the dexterity to choose such knowledge, and with a little persuasion from the villainous serpent, they did.Surely the ways of God are mysterious, but why would he set up man with a series of bizarrely attractive ways to subvert his intentions for their well-being? Eve makes a series of evaluative judgments upon the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil when she thinks to herself in verse 36 So when the woman saw the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, She took of the fruit and ate.She also gave to her husband, and he ate. Was God setting up Adam and Eve for the fall when he created the tree in the first inject? Hoew else to explain an omnipotent God who willfully creates beings who were, despite their naivete, are capable of learning and seeing the virtues of something which their creator had made arbitrarily off limits while concurrently placing being in their midst whose whole obligation is to tempt them?Certainly the relief of the Biblical narrative depends on the jealousy inspired fall without it, the rest of the story, which culminates with Jesus sacrificing himself for mans sins and thus offering him redemption, several thousand year before the Earth is destroyed during Jesus rapturous return, could not have been constructed by the Biblical writers. Perhaps, if it is out their God wanted to fall.It is simply mans innocent jealousy, of Gods wisdom and goodness and perhaps his actor to arbitrarily, without fe ar of reprisal or retribution, horde power over his creations, which drove Eve to follow the serpents instructions. The instinct to want what others have is as old as man. Surely the omnipotent clockmaker deity that the early enlightenment era Europeans constructed out of King James text was aware of this opposition he was creating. It is, after all, just another part of Gods grand design.BibliographyThe Holy Bible, New King James Version, Thomas Nelson Bibles, 1982.
Types of Smiles
The Meaning of a Smile A smiling is the universal welcome. They come in many different shapes, sizes, and even believeings. When almostone decides to meretricious their pearly whites at a passerby, what exactly do they mean by it? I smile all day long for my customers, but that doesnt mean that I am always happy to be somewhat them. People link smiling to being one of the friendliest gestures one raft receive. However, a smile is deceitful and behind be taken in many different ways, and wore on many different occasions. Everybody has experienced that aftermath in their life when they gestate truly been happy.They smile all day long and cant even find one reason why. Those smiles are the best ones to guarantee and, fishily enough, they can even improve someones looks. They are simple smiles that brighten up the entire face and put the sparkle in their eyes. Happy smiles cannot be pseudd or forced and they curve from ear to ear. People that normally wear happy smiles are ones that are able to put the past behind them. Happy citizenry always seem to be happy and they are fun to be around. The people that frequently use this smile often laughs a lot more than most people. They can also be picked out easily in a crowd because their smiles are genuine.This is a smile that reflects a happy and triumphal heart. Children are the best at the famous naughty or Up-to-no-good smiles. These smiles can normally be seen when someone has been caught red handed. For most people, these smiles are humorous and can easily be picked out because of the red faces they cause. Naughty smiles cause the eyebrows to raise, cheeks to redden, and they seem to leaven more teeth than normal. One can typically find an up-to-no-good smile on a student that was however caught cheating on a test, or a toddler that didnt hide their vegetables very well.These smiles show defeat, even so the person wearing them is willing to fight their way out of trouble. Forced smiles are common ly found in Christmas card photos or around the hallways in a exalted school. These smiles are fake and clearly take more energy to make than a person originally planned to give. Forced smiles are not attractive and do not hide the fact that the person would rather not be smiling. Fake smiles portray an attitude of I am better than you to anyone that witnesses them. Preteens seem to abuse this smile more than others, then wonder why their parents tell them to be nice. High School aged girls have the fake smile perfected, however it looks more like a smirk. It is their way of saying something rude, without saying anything at all. This smile can be paired with an eye orb and a flip of the hair for dramatic effect, but often times the smile alone could kill. When an individual overhears a spicy conversation it sometimes ends with an entertained smile. These smiles can either be one of humor or horror, depending on the circumstance. Amused smiles are almost a smug look the eyes squin ted just a little to hide the giggle trying to escape, and the mouth closed yet curved just enough to show a pair of dimples.An amused smile is one to watch for in a crowd or when telling secrets, because often times the one sharing the smile will dowry the story to someone else. Confidence is a necessary trait in anybody, and a smile to go with it is sometimes a pleasant thing to see on a person. However, some people like to show it off more than others and it quickly turns into a not-so-pleasant smirk. For example, pageant queens and teenage boys with fancy cars. From the moment the girls walk on the stage, or the boys turn on their car, there is a switch that turns on in their head that makes them believe they are on draw of the world. Their smiles tell all. A smirk looks almost as if the person is boasting. You can tell a smirk from any other smile because the persons nose is stuck up so high in the air there is a shadow over top of their mouth. These smiles often result in a loss of true friends or a harsh fall back down to Earth. A true confident smile, however, dont come around very often. Confidence has to build just enough to make the smile look proud, yet subtle. This smile can sometimes take years to develop, but when its there its hard to remove.The best way to explain a confident smile would be through example. Such as, a high school freshman trying out for the Varsity Dance Team at her school. As she walks into the gym to show off her double turn, she looks nervous (even though she has it perfected). However, after everything is said and done, she nailed it. She now can walk proudly out of that gym with a very confident smile on her face, knowing she make the dance team. A smile radiates from a person no matter what or who it is meant for, however a confident smile radiates from the core and is there for everybody to see.Smiling can be the answer to all of our problems, to everyone around the world. It is there to say what we shouldnt say out l oud, or to just simply show that we are happy. Everybody smiles for some reason, its just something we as human beings cant escape from. It is often interesting to think about why we smile, or why we show emotions at all. Often times, it seems as if smiling is our way of letting all of our emotions escape in one simple gesture. Our smiles are uniquely limitless in meanings, and because of that, we are able to hide behind them and only show what we really want to be seen.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Primate Observation Essay
Primates ar some of the most interesting animals to watch and learn about whether it be in person at a zoo or seeing a film or documentary on wild ones in a instinctive environment. Part of this reason is ascribable to the incredible amount of similarities found in between primates and humans. aft(prenominal) observing two unalike primate species at a local zoo, I found out that by observing their behavior, we gain a small insight into human behaviors and their roots. To daylight I allow for discuss the take issueent types of behavior I ascertained as well as the effects of cosmos in captivity and how this helps us understand hunan behavior. On sunny April 19th this year, I visited the San Francisco Zoo and the first species I observed were the gorillas, likewise known as Gorilla Beringei. Upon approaching the gorilla habitat, at about 130 p.m., I noticed the marge was roughly about fifty yards in diameter. Throughout the enclosure, there were different levels of ground el evation varying from small hills, to large rock structures placed about twenty feet a federal agency from the gorilla cages inside the habitat. There were also many plant or bush like shrubs close to as well as trees varying from shape and size throughout the enclosure. The overall shape of the enclosure was similar to an octagon which supported different placardal vantage points from a few different sides. The gorillas ar the largest primates still costing today. The gorillas in the enclosure varied in size and appearances. both the fe phallics were much smaller then the male silver approve, however within the distaff group, their sizes also varied. Some females within the group were less massive and more lengthy then for theoretical account the female in charge of the newborn gorilla. The mother of the baby gorilla, Kabibe, was much larger then the other females and she beted to assume more strength within the well- sell group.The male silverback, Oscar Jones, was imp ressively larger then any other gorillas in the enclosure and had a much larger head and weapons in comparison. He had long thick black hair with a patch of silver on his back symbolizing maturity. In total, I observed about six to eight gorillas out of the cages and moveing within the enclosure. The second species Iobserved around 340 pm were the siamangs, or symphalangus syndactylus. Their enclosure was much different then the previously observed gorillas enclosure. This one was about fifty feet high, 30 feet long, and 20 feet wide and in the shape of the letter L. Its made of reinforced glass from the bottom to about 10 feet high, then becomes a chain linked metal cage the rest of the track up. The structure contained many different objects from which the siamangs were able to use to climb up or down. Some of these objects included, climbing logs, swings, many thick pieces of rope, cylindrical shaped natural rubber tubes, planks of wood, and many other suspended objects. Towa rds the bottom of the enclosure, there were also a lot of plant keep and bushes or flower like things where the siamangs could sit or interact with one another when not climbing around. Within the enclosure, there were two siamangs. Although not labeled, since siamangs are monogamous primates, I assume one was male and one was female. Physically, the siamangs are salutary a bit larger then the other gibbons however still small in comparison to the apes. They develop no tails, are slender and long armed as they are arboreal lesser apes. They are covered with long dense black hair and rent long hooked nails.Siamangs are also known to eat up large throat sacs which they can use to let out a very cheapjack call to warn against predators. However, neither of these siamangs had the adaptive throat sacs. Also, there was not much difference in size between the male and female gender. After observing the two primate species and reviewing my field notes, I noticed the two species althou gh both part of the ape family, are not that similar in incident. For example, the gorillas social organization consists of a one male, multi female group with the male creation the alpha leader. He ensures that it is his genetics being passed on to the offspring and that is the only way he will protect and partake in the babys life. Due to being a one male, multi female group, it is not uncommon for gorilla males to kill any infant they assume is not theirs. There also reckoned to be a sense of hierarchy amongst the females themselves, with Kabibes mother, at the slip away of the female group. However, the male silverback Oscar Jones, was still maintaing authority amongst the entire group by charging the females. On the other pop off, the siamangs are a pair bonded group whom select mates for life and have a family. In the enclosure I observed, there were only two siamangs present who behaved very differently from one another.One siamang keep to be very active, swinging throu ghout the cage and constantly climbing up and down the metal fence. However, the other siamang, which I viewd to be female, sat on a small rock towards the bottom corner of the enclosure and did not interact with any bystanders or the other siamang at all. Also, my friend and I noticed this sitting siamang also seemed to appear as if it were depressed. Many clippings the active siamang would swing down and try and interact with his cooperator and the other siamang would just ignore him and continue staring down or out the glass. One of the gorillas I was observing displayed a way of getting food which I thought was quite intelligent. She grabbed a thin leaf filled branch from a tree and placed her hand at the top of the branch. Starting from the top she pulled her hand down towards the other end pulling any leaves out together instead of one by one. She then disposed of the branch by throwing it a few feet away from her. This showed a level of intelligence I have not seen in ot her primates. The gorillas mainly become to eating leaves and vegetation found in their enclosure from many trees and plants around. This similar to their natural habitat, does not offer them lots of nutritional value, however is available in large quantities and available year round. I am also assuming they are fed fruits by zoo employees as well for nutritional tint and value. The three females outside in the enclosure seemed to be isolated about 20 feet away from each other and spread around the enclosure. They did not seem to be sharing any source of food or interact much with one another unless they were nearing the cage door within the enclosure.The siamangs did not seem to display any signs of higher intelligence. One continued to constantly move around the cage by climbing up then swinging back down. The other siamang just sat in isolation and was not physically active much at all. They did not share anything amongst themselves and did not interact much either. The two pri mate species I observed did not have much in common, except for their diet. Both the gorillas and the siamangs are both primarily vegetarians and call for different types of leaves, fruits, and other plants found in their habitats. I was not able to observe how the siamangs acquired their food or how they react to meal time, however establish on my observations I assume the siamangs would not share much either due to their lack of interaction with one another. This throws me off because according to what I have learned in class, the siamangs are in fact mates with oneanother for life and yet they did not interact with one another at all during my observations at the zoo. I believe these similarities in diet exist because that the siamangs and gorillas are part of the ape family. However, the differences in behavior, mating, social organization, and intelligence also exist due to the fact that they are separated between the lesser apes (siamangs), and the great apes (gorillas). Anot her reason why these differences might exist is due to where the species originated from.Gorillas originally were from Africa mend Gibbons were found from Southeast Asia. Overall after reviewing my notes, I noticed that the Siamangs are much less intelligent then the gorillas, yet more active. I believe this is because the siamangs are much smaller, requiring less energy to move about their enclosure in such a fast and excited manner. The gorillas on the other hand are much more complex in behavior as they actually interact with one another by expressing sounds and or physical actions. They also seem to be aware the fact that many nation are around them notice, and they also react to this by hiding back in the cages or moving away behind a tree or rock structure. I have always believed that being held captive in a zoo, is no where close to being free in your natural habitat. How can one take an animal who should have the ability to roam endless land and have the need to survive i n the natural world and put them in a restricted enclosure, a fraction the size of their natural habitats and claim that these animals are happy there? I personally believe being in captivity and on display in a zoo has many proscribe effects on these animals. While observing the gorillas, they seemed to be heavily affected by their environment and surroundings. In a gorillas natural habitat, you would most likely begin them playing with one another, acquiring food, and being active. However, most times in zoos you simply find the gorillas not really doing anything besides just sitting there.These are most likely due to psychological effects brought on by being captive and put on display to thousands of people all the time. While observing, I noticed the gorillas did not really do much besides move around to their own spot of the enclosure, about twenty feet away from one another, and just sit there and stare at the people watching them. Also, these gorillas suffer mental trauma f rom being teased or provoked to a level where they feel threatened by all these yelling kids and or adults. I do not believe the behaviorsexhibited by gorillas in captivity are natural due to the fact that gorillas are very intelligent. According to, As humans are watching them they will be watching as well. This is why they often pick up behaviors from people. As a result, behaviors seen by gorillas in a zoo would not be the same behaviors shown by wild gorillas in natural environment. With thousands of people standing around the enclosure yelling and making gestures towards the gorilla, it is safe to say the gorillas observe the humans behavior and fall back behaviors they have learned. The siamangs I observed also display a bit of natural and unnatural behaviors as well. For example, siamangs are arboreal primates who live in tree top canopies and are rarely seen walking on the ground. They use their long limbs and fingers as hooks to swing from branch or vine to another and that is how they calculate throughout the forests.One of the siamangs I was watching was very active and continued to swing back and forth throughout his enclosure almost the entire time I was watching. He would use logs and ropes to climb up to the top corner of the cage, then he would observe from up there for a few seconds. After, he would make his way back down towards the bottom of the enclosure and would leap around. This is natural behavior to be seen by a siamang even in the wild. However, the other siamang within the enclosure exhibited some worrying signs of unnatural behavior. This siamang was sitting on a rock of some sort around the enclosure floor and would stare down towards the ground or look out the glass. However, she would not move at all throughout my entire observation time and really seemed depressed. At one point, the other active siamang swung down and got very close to her and still she did not move or interact at all. Im assuming this is a p sychological effect brought on by being trapped in such a small containment instead of being able to roam about the forest and be free. I believe that this specific siamang has been held in captivity for a while longer due to the behavior shown. Observing these primates in their natural wild environment would have significantly different behavior observations. Living in the wild, these primates ingest struggles to survive such as finding sources of food, competition for mating, and also predators and dangers.These are not really things captive animals in zoos cognise due to human intervention. For example in the wild, gorillas are moving to a new camping ground very often due to predators such as large cats and build asleeping nest to stay protected. This is natural adaptive behavior found in gorillas however, you will not see this in captive gorillas because the only predators they experience are humans taunting or screaming at them and they do not have enough space available to travel distances. As a result of these observations, primates and other animals in captivity may not exhibit natural behaviors observed in their natural environment. After spending the day observing the behaviors of both the gorillas and the siamangs, I see some behavior patterns that I also see in humans. For example, the siamangs find mates for life and raise a family and that is their social group. This is basically most families around the world. Our social group normally consists of us with a single mate whom we raise children with. I believe the fact that we as humans ideally choose to settle down with a single partner and raise children has to do with our culture and not necessarily as an instinctual choice such as the siamangs.As humans most of us find it wrong to have more then one mate or parter and we call it cheating. However, based on my observations of the primates, it is a natural and instinctual decision to try and mate as much as possible to ensure your genetics bei ng passed on and carried through the future since that is lifes main objective. Another example is the effects of captivity the depressed siamang suffered from. This is very common in humans as well to become anti social or depressed when placed in a small room such as a jail cell. Studying primates can help us understand more of where humans came from due to our recent shared common ancestor. We are able to see some behavior patterns from the primates found in humans as well, however there are many behavioral patterns in the primates which is uncommon for humans. For example, the gorillas tended to be in isolation and spread out throughout the enclosure for most of the time. Humans on the other hand, if having to live together for a long period of time such as the gorillas, are more likely to build a tight knit group and have lots of interactions with one another.Based on my observations, there are some behavioral patterns found in both primates and humans. However the cause of the se patterns differ based on instinct and adaptations in primates compared to culture and morality in humans. I believe that by studying and observing behavioral patterns in primates, we can better understand where some of our own actions andbehaviors derived from, and whether its something that is instinctual and preprogrammed, or if it is something we have created and added to part of our culture as humans.Works CitedCawthon Lang KA. 2005 October 4. Primate Factsheets Gorilla (Gorilla) Behavior .
Dulce Et Decorum Est Analysis Essay
In Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est, Owen provides the reviewer with gentle universey examples of resource conveyed through various literary devices. In English, Dulce Et Decorum Est, translates to it is sweet and fitting, to die for your native land. The images of excitement, death, and sadness that argon painted by Owen are the most hygienic conveyed and therefore the most impactful images and to ultimately show the raillery in the poem beca employment of Owens choice of literary techniques. An example that is well communicate is GAS spatter Quick, boys An ecstasy of fumbling, fitting the clumsy helmets just in time these lines produce an image of excitement. The image of excitement Owen produces among the spends is done through the use of charged words and punctuation. The image that is produced from GAS Gas Quick, boys An ecstasy of fumbling, fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, bear be run alongd as a division of soldiers in the trenches going about the daily routine of shooting and getting shot at, undergo a horrid excitement of go down on set down in the trenches.Then, as a soldier barks, telling the others to place on the gas masks. By using words such as ecstasy, fumbling, and clumsy, Owen touches the endorsers emotion by depicting an action that is intense because this movement of the soldiers will either mean life or a slacken, painful death. Also, the punctuation that is put in produces an envisionment of an officer barking at the younger, less experienced soldiery, telling the soldiers to put on the masks over the words GAS Gas Quick, boys The overall image smoothly and excitingly transitions from the walking, bloody, and fatigued troops to a life or death situation that makes an essential impact on the poem. Though the troop of men successfully disposed the gas masks, Owen continues on to further depict an image of a not so fortunate man who did not have the same privilege. The picture from And floundering wish well a man in fi re or lime. Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light As under a green sea, I saw him drowning can be described as an unfortunate man that is being eradicated through a short, painful death.By using imagery to describe the dying man that could be seen through the thick, green and misty gas, Owen describes a painful death of a soldier in such detail through the use of imagery, allows the reader to picture this deathly painting. . Also, the metaphor, As under a green sea compares murky sea water to the thickness . In Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est, Owen provides the reader with many examples of imagery conveyed through various literary devices. In English, Dulce Et Decorum Est, translates to it is sweet and fitting, to die for your native land. The images of excitement, death, and sadness that are painted by Owen are the most well conveyed and therefore the most impactful images and to ultimately show the irony in the poem because of Owens choice of literary techniques. An examp le that is well projected is GAS Gas Quick, boys An ecstasy of fumbling, fitting the clumsy helmets just in time these lines produce an image of excitement. The image of excitement Owen produces among the soldiers is done through the use of charged words and punctuation. The image that is produced from GASGas Quick, boys An ecstasy of fumbling, fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, can be described as a division of soldiers in the trenches going about the daily routine of shooting and getting shot at, undergo a horrid excitement of gas landing in the trenches. Then, as a soldier barks, telling the others to place on the gas masks. By using words such as ecstasy, fumbling, and clumsy, Owen touches the readers emotion by depicting an action that is intense because this movement of the soldiers will either mean life or a slow, painful death.Also, the punctuation that is present produces an envisionment of an officer barking at the younger, less experienced troops, telling the sol diers to put on the masks over the words GAS Gas Quick, boys The overall image smoothly and excitingly transitions from the walking, bloody, and fatigued troops to a life or death situation that makes an essential impact on the poem. Though the troop of men successfully attached the gas masks, Owen continues on to further depict an image of a not so fortunate man who did not have the same privilege.The picture from And floundering like a man in fire or lime. Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light As under a green sea, I saw him drowning can be described as an unfortunate man that is being eradicated through a short, painful death. By using imagery to describe the dying man that could be seen through the thick, green and misty gas, Owen describes a painful death of a soldier in such detail through the use of imagery, allows the reader to picture this deathly painting.. Also, the metaphor, As under a green sea compares murky sea water to the thickness and coloration of t he gas the soldier is entrapped in. The picture continues the previous image of the soldiers affixing the masks to an unfortunate man that was not able to do so, and paid the price. Before the splurge of excitement and the dying of a soldier, the same group of men were already suffering from the effects of war as depicted previously in the poem.The picture of death Owen conveys among the unlucky soldier is done through the use of imagery and metaphor. The depiction of the sadness of war Owen coins among the unlucky soldiers is completed through the use of punctuation and charged words from galore(postnominal) lost their boots but limped on, blood-shod. All went lame all blind Drunk with fatigue deaf even to the hoots Of disappointed shells that dropped behind. By employing punctuation to illustrate the slow and trudging group of men.With every punctuation within the lines of poetry, the punctuation characterizes a pause in the soldiers walking as they prepare for the next seemingly endless graduation through the sludge in the trenches. Also, the charged words such as limped, lame, and deaf, allow the reader to put envision what it was like to be in a soldiers boots and experience the true colors of war sadness and despair. The image shows the condition of the group of soldiers as well as the landscape the soldiers call home.By employing the literary devices of punctuation and charged words, Owen gives the reader an envisionment of the group of men and the tolls of war. Through Owens choice of literary devices, Owen successfully portrays excitement, death, and sadness to the reader and without these images, Owen could not have conveyed the irony in the phrase Dulce Et Decorum Est. The portraits of the soldiers equipped with gas masks, the dying soldier, and the condition of the troops show the true colors of war, which is what Owen was attempting to convey throughout the poem.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Criminological Theory and Burglary Essay
Scarce question is available on active offenders due to their unwillingness to corporate with researchers and past and convicted offenders may energize changed their perspectives after being convicted or left their lifestyle of discourtesy. The most reliable data on these offenses and their perpetrators may come from active burglars themselves. Richard T. Wright and Scott Deckers book, marauders on the stemma seeks to explain the reasons why burglars arrange the crimes they do. They have taken their research to another level by gaining the trust of active offenders in the St.Louis bea and gaining inside friendship of these criminals daily lives and their crimes.This paper will address anomie and bond theories and how it relates to the offenders in this study and the socialization of these subjects into criminality and the street culture in which they live. Conventional Goals? tally to Robert Mertons anomie system, people are not born criminals they conform to the environmen t in which they live. Conventional means of reaching a goal are of x more readily available to some than others in our edict. Merton suggests that crime is a result of this bias due to the anomic culture in America.Our society places great emphasis on the American Dream but stuffy means of reaching this goal are denied to some unfortunate individuals, placing strain on them. The burglars in Wright and Deckers book have conventional goals, but privation the capacity to achieve them by conventional means. Burglar 30 Mark metalworker says, I didnt have the luxury of laying cover charge in no damn pinstriped suit. Im poor and Im raggedy and I need some food and I need some shoes So I got to have some money some benign of way.If its got to be the wrong way, then so be it. (pg. 7) This burglar has the conventional goal of buying food and shoes but, as anomie theory suggest, does not have the conventional means of accomplishting what he motivations, therefore he overstretchs crime to obtain the money to buy what he desires. Not all burglar in this study claimed to have conventional goals, drugs were a popular desire among these offenders as well. These burglars want to get high and party continuously, but alternatively than gain lawful employment to supply their habits, they would rather burglarize a residence to gain the financial means to keep the party going.This is evident in one burglars response to why he chooses to commit the crimes he does. Burglar 009 Richard Jackson replies, You ever had an urge before? Maybe a cigarette urge or a food urge, where you eat that and you get to have more and more? Thats how the crack is. You smoke it and it hits you in the back of the throat and you got to have more(pg. 39) The volume of these offenders wanted the status and appearance of being successful, the American Dream, but lacked the resources or drives to reach their goals conventionally. The book describes the majority of the offenders as having very few re sources in which to work with.Wright and Decker write, Decent employment opportunities are limited for inner city residents and the offenders, who by large are naughtily educated, unskilled, and heavy illicit drugs and alcohol users, are not well placed to compete for the few good jobs available. (pg. 50) When field researchers asked them why they chose burglary over other lucid means some replied that they were unable to gain suitable employment or they just didnt want a job to infringe on their ongoing lifestyles. Burglar 085 Tony Scott replied, I aint workin and too lazy to work and just all that.I like it to where I can just egest around(pg. 48) Some burglars wished to gain lawful employment, Wright and Decker write, 43 of the 78 unemployed subjects who said they did burglaries mostly for the money claimed they would stop committing offenses if someone gave them a good job. (pg. 49) Since the general expectation of these offenders was financially motivated, conventional goa ls are present as is innovation. Some of these offenders burglarized for drugs, even burglarizing their drug dealers home, making them rebels instead of innovators.Burglar 24 James Brown says, My house burglaries are based on dope dealers. (pg. 66) Merton describes rebels as those who lack conventional goals and the conventional means of reaching them. I would even describe some of them as retreatist, according to Mertons theory, as they use drugs and criminal behavior as a way to escape the pressures or strains placed on them. One burglar, Ricky Davis 015 describes how he burglarizes and spends his money on drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. He has unconventional goals, with no apparent desire to live a conventional lifestyle.He says, I spend the money on something to drink, then get me some marijuana. Then Im gonna find me a duck. (pg. 42) Weak Social bonds A bond theory explanation would suggest that the offenders lacked adequate social bonds which, in turn, gave them the toler antdom to commit crimes. They did not have the parental guidance to steer them away(predicate) from crime. The social bonds in Travis Hirshis bond theory are attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. Several of these offenders seemed to be lacking in at least one of these areas. Attachment, or randy closeness to others, was lacking in many of these offenders.They were more attached to the street culture than decent culture. Those offenders who did mention their families never spoke of engagement with them other than in the context of trying to borrow money from them or burglarizing them. This shows that these offenders had very weak, if any, attachment bonds. Most of these offenders had very little commitment either. As stated earlier, they had little education, no jobs, and no social networks to deter them from a life of crime. They had nothing or almost nothing to lose. The offenders involvement in conventional activities was also very limited.Their strongest involvements seemed to be with their street life. They felt that jobs or other conventional activities would damper their party time. Burglar 85 Scott says, I aint got to go to bed at a certain time to get up at a certain time. Go to bed around one oclock or whenever I want. Aint got to go to work and work eight hours. Just go in and do a five minute job, get that money, and thats basically it. (pg. 48) It is the quick and easy, with very little planning or effort, that makes burglary a choice crime for these offenders.While some offenders seemed to hold some conventional moral values, others seemed only to be thinking of themselves in their day to day activities. Burglar 13 Larry Washington states, see, if you rob a person, they can identify you parkway you lookin right at em you know? They lookin right at you and they can identify you. And armed robbery is what? Five to ten years? Or ten to fifteen years? This offender prefers burglary over robbery out of fear of a harsher punishment for himself if caught. He shows no consideration of the victim.Burglar 79 analyze Leo, on the other hand, did show some compassion for a victim in his statement, Id never personally rob a tender being, like walk up to them and say, Give me your wallet and give me your purse No Way Hirishi believed that all people are equally motivated to commit crimes but that motivation in itself was not strong enough to overpower their social bonds and push them into a life of crime. The lack of these social bonds gave them the freedom to commit their crimes, and the motivation was already present as it is in all people. The social bond theory generally sums up crime as it relates to their social bonds.As these bonds weaken and begin to deteriorate, the restraints that once bound you and kept you abiding by the law are loosened. This differs from anomie theory in that, anomie explains crime as being a result of strain placed on an individual from income inequality, socioeconomic status, etc. Thes e theories are both plausible explanations as to why these offenders commit their crimes. High strain and lack of solid bonds may both play a vital role in criminal roles. Now lets take a look at how socialization and self-control relate to crime. Socialization and Self ControlSocialization into crime refers to an individual who conforms to the norms and roles in their tending(p) communities. I believe that these offenders criminality can be attributed to their socialization into an environment that values low self-control. The offenders in this study exhibited spontaneity in their decisions to commit burglaries, amplifying their lack of self-control. These offenders learned a great deal about their communities, the people who live in it and their vulnerabilities and so were able to commit their crimes putting forth little effort or planning.In my opinion there is a connection between criminality, low self-control, and the culture of immediate gratification. These offenders seem t o have gone through a process starting off with socialization into street culture which leads them to a lack of self-control, and then the culture of immediate gratification. To simplify Gottfredson and Hirishis self-control theory, I would say that low self-control is related to crime and that need for immediate gratification and low self-control are connecting factors that contribute to criminal behavior.These offenders are modify to spending a lot of time on street corners with other offenders, learning the ways of the street, so to speak. This is their socialization period. Once they are socialized into crime they lose their sense of self control. These offenders apparently dont have much guidance from their parents or others because they are allotted so much free time to commit their crimes. This tells me that their parents likely dont have strong social control either. Once their social control is lost, they yearn for immediate gratification.They want things right now they ar e not willing to wait until they can find a job and get it conventionally. All the research done by Wright and Decker has shed light on the lifestyle of an active burglar. As mentioned in the introduction, this research is scarce but could be much more reliable than research conducted with offenders who are no longer active burglars. This type of field research should be continued and expanded with all types of crimes, which may give us a better understanding of what drives people to commit them and in the long run may help us understand how to stop them.
Public Speaking, Fears and Concerns.
Fears and Concerns most Public Speaking Fears and Concerns about Public Speaking There be many things in this world that one can have a fear of. One could be scared of bugs, the dark, or heights exclusively a major fear is the fear of having to speak in public. In ever soyday life public speaking is necessary, whether it be in a social or professional setting. My biggest fears and concerns about public speaking are being the center of attention, rejection, and failure. Being the center of attention can be very nerve racking.Are they judicial decision the way I am dressed or the way I present myself? Are they paying attention to what I have to say? Or even, what allow for they think of me when I am done my presentation? Lastly, can I stop my nervous habits long enough to finish my presentation? These are all questions that run through my head that could easily distract me from actually presenting in the way I would like too. At some point everyone has to be concerned about reje ction. This is also one of my main fears and concerns.The fact that not everyone will agree with, or accept, the point I am trying to portray. perchance they just will not care or give me the time of day, and maybe even try to conflict with what I have to say. Then it will feel like I have wasted my time to come up with a presentation just to be ridiculed. No one ever thinks to themselves that they want to be a failure. My fears could distract me from delivering my presentation in the way I would like. I could stutter, for corroborate what to say, or just not be as well prepared as I thought.This would all lead to a miserable presentation failure. Would I ever gain respect of my audience once again? I do not want to be thought of as a failure. That is probably my worst concern about public speaking. With all kinds of fears and concerns about public speaking, it is difficult to think that one could get over them to go on to become a great public speaker. I would like to get over my fears so that I can continue through life with no concerns. I feel it will take time and practice but with the help of this class as well, I can be on my way to being a great public speaker.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Entire Course (Managerial Economics) Essay
Firm Objectives.Why do some worry firms operate a triple-bottom-line offspring objet dart others focus only on profit maximization? Please, use a real connection example to illustrate your pointsDecision Making Under Uncertainty. To give up on gasoline expenses, Edith and Mathew agreed to carpool together for failing to and from work. Edith preferred to travel on I-20 passage as it was usually the fastest, taking 25 minutes in the absence of duty delays. Mathew pointed out that duty jams on the highway can lead to long delays making the trip 45 minutes. He preferred to travel along Shea Boulevard, which was longer (35 minutes), but rarely had traffic jams. Edith agreed that in case of traffic jams, Shea Boulevard was a reasonable alternative. Neither of them knows the state of the highway ahead of time. After driving to work on the I-20 highway for 1 month (20 workdays), they found the highway to be jammed 3 quantify.Assuming that this month is a good representation of al l months ahead, should Edith and Mathew continue to use the highway for traveling to work? How would you conclusion convince for the winter months, if bad weather makes it likely for traffic jams on the highway to increase to 6 days per month? How would your conclusion change if Mathew purchased a new smart-phone app that could show the status of the highway traffic prior to their drive each morning, thus reducing the probability of them getting into a jam down to only 1day per month (where on this day, the app showed no traffic jam, but a jam developed in the meantime as they were driving along the highway).Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problems.Please, complete the sideline 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and condone your results. Submit your concession in the drop encase by using the Assignment Submission button. 1. A generous university benefactor has agreed to donate a large amount of propertyfor student scholarships . The money can be provided in one lump-sum of $10mln, or in parts, where $5.5mln can be provided in class 1, and another(prenominal) $5.5mln can be provided in year 2. Assuming the opportunity interest rate is 6%, what is the present value of the second alternative? Which of the dickens alternatives should be chosen and why? How would your decision change if the opportunity interest rate was 12%?Please, show all your calculations. 2. Volkswagen is considering opening an Assembly Plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, for the mathematical production of its 2012 Passat, tailored for the US market place. The CEO of the follow is considering two potential options for the size of the plant one is a large size with a projected annual production of 150,000 cars, and the other one is a smaller size plant, which is cheaper to build, but can only produce up to 80,000 cars per year. Depending on the expected level of demand for these cars in the US, Volkswagen has to decide which option is mo re profitable. The discount rate is 6% and for simplicity purposes, the CEO is only evaluating a two-year horizon. The initial factory setup cost, the expected demand scenarios, profit, and probabilities are shows in the below table. Calculate the Net Present Value in each of the two options. Which option should the CEO choose and why? Please, show all your calculations.3. An nonesuch investor is considering investing in one of two start-up businesses and is evaluating the expected returns along with the risk of each option in order to choose the better alternative. Business 1 is an innovative protein energy drink, which has ENPV of $100,000 with a standard leaving of $40,000. Business 2 is a unique chicken wings dipping sauce with an ENPV of $60,000 and a standard deviation of $25,000. a) Apply the coefficient-of-variation decision criterion to these alternatives to find out which is preferred by the angel investor, assuming that he/she is risk-averse. b) Apply the maximin criter ion, assuming that the worst outcome in Business 1 is to lose $5,000, whereas the worst outcome in Business 2 is to make only $5,000 in profit. c) If you were the angel investor, what is your certainty equivalent for these two projects? Are you risk-averse, risk-neutral, or risk-lover?Week 2Marginal Rate of Substitution.What is the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) and why does it diminish asthe consumer substitutes one product for another? utilization examples to illustrateDemand Elasticity.Please, read the article Hainer, R. (2010), provided in the required readings section for this week. The tobacco industry is a prime example to consider when lecture closely price elasticity of demand. While nicotine use can be addictive for many users, it is not addictive for the so-called social smokers. What can we allege about the price elasticity of demand for nicotine products (such as cigarettes, pipes, tobacco) in the group of nicotine addicted users, versus the group of social smo kers? Can we say whose demand is likely to be more elastic? Why?Consumer Demand Analysis and approximation Applied Problems.Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. 1. Roshima is researching universities where she could study for her MBA degree. She is considering 3 major attributes that she considers important in her choice rank, price, and location. The value she places on each attribute, however, differs according to whether she remains full-time employed during her studies or quits her traffic and focuses on her degree. If she continues to work full time and takes all her courses online, then ranking is the most important attribute, twice as important as price and three times as important as location. If she quits her job and attends school full time, then location becomes three times as important as ranking and twice as important as price.She is considering two universities, respectively, the MBA program at Arizona State University (ASU) and the MBA program at University of Phoenix (UOP), both of which are priced at approximately $25,000. She has rated each attribute on a scale of 1 to 100 for each of the two schools. a. Which of the two options should Roshima pursue of she wants to keep her full-time job? (Calculate the total expected utility from each school option and compare. Graph is not required) b. Which of the two options should she pick if she plans to quit her job and dedicate to her studies? c. Which option should she pursue if the probability of being laid off and unable to find a new job is estimated as0.6? Show your calculations and explain your reasoning.2. The demand function for wiz Bagels has been estimated as follows 40.73Px + 84.17Py + 0.55Axwhere Qx represents thousands of bagels Px is the price per bagel Py is the average price per bagel of other brands of bage ls and Ax represents thousands of dollars spent advertising brainpower Bagels. The current values of the self-governing variables are , , and a. Calculate the price elasticity of demand for Einsteins Bagels and explain what it means. b. Derive an expression for the (inverse) demand curve for Einsteinss Bagels. c. If the cost of producing Einsteins Bagels is constant at $0.10 per bagel, should they reduce price and thereafter, sell more bagels (assume profit maximization is the companys goal)? d. Should Einstein Bagels spend more on advertising?3. The consulting firm that you work for has been hired by the US Government to provide an independent analysis of the demand-side effects of a contem shieldd increase in the valuate on gasoline. They provide you with a data set relating to the period 1962-1987, which they say contains valuable historic lessons relating to the impact of volatile pump prices due to the supply restrictions obligate by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations that required car manufacturers to increase the fuel efficiency of the cars they s over-the-hill, while at the same time Real Disposable Income (RDI) per capita was rising, the number of passenger cars (NPC) almost doubled, and inflation was pushing up the Consumer Price Index (CPI).Week 3 germane(predicate) Costs.Two partners own together a small landscaping business in North Carolina, called Summer Lawn Care. They have been ad hocizing in summer grass seeding, installation, and maintenance. Recently, the partners acquired special technology and know-how for winter grass installations and maintenance. They also added a tree cutting service as recent storms in thearea had caused demand for this service to soar. atomic number 53 of the partners insists that the name of the business should change to Lawn and Tree Care, so that it better reflects the range of services and, thus, generates more customer inter est, and thus contracts. The second partner wants to keep the old name and argues, We have already paid for business cards, vehicle paint, signage, and ads in Yellow Pages. Evaluate the arguments of the two partners. Explain and illustrate their points by identifying the relevant and strange cost for this decision.Contribution Analysis.Explain what is meant by contribution analysis. Carefully define the term and provide examples to illustrate it.Production Cost Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems.Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. 1. Jennifer Trucking come with operates a large rig transportation business in Texas that transports locally freehanded vegetables to San Diego, California. The company owns 5 large rigs and hires local number one woods paid fixed salaries periodic, regardless of the num ber of trips or tons of cargo that each driver transports each month. 2. The Palms Dry Cleaning Shop in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, faces a highly seasonal demand for its services, as the snow-birds retirees flock to Florida in mid-fall to enjoy the diffuse winter weather and then return to their main homes in mid-spring. Given this seasonality, Palms tries to keep the overhead costs as low as possible and therefore, very much uses seasonal contracted labor to man its operations.The following table shows the labor costs in each month of operation over the past 12 months as well as the total number of garments that were dry-cleaned in each month. Palms pays fixed wages per hour to each employee, and we can assume that the costs of other variable inputs (such as chemicals, electricity, etc) have remained constant. 3. Over the past 12 months the Four Winds Novelty Company firm has recorded its internet sales (equals monthly output levels) and its monthly total variable costs (TVC) for a particular novelty item as shown in the following table. Sales have grown over this period withrelatively few shocks due to uncontrollable weather, political and sporting display cases. This online retailer carries no inventories when it receives a pre-paid on-line order from a customer, it but buys the product from a supplier and ships it out to the customer.Week 4Strategic Behavior Oligopolies. An interesting example of strategic behavior comes from a 1997 article about Microsofts investment in Apple (New Straits Times, 1997). The article is included in the mandatory Readings list. Facing tough anti-trust scrutiny from government agencies, Microsoft provided financial bridge over to Apple in order to ensure Apples survival and, therefore, to ensure that hawkishness in the industry remains. Moreover, the partnership with Apple provided an additional market for Microsofts products the MS Office and the IE products were to be bundled with the MAC OS as one of the conditions fo r this financing. Discuss this case in the context of market social organization and strategic behavior. What market structure do these firms operate in? Why did Microsoft need to preserve competitiveness in the industry? What was Microsoft afraid of in the event that Apple did not survive?Local Market Power. Bulls Eye department store specializes in the sales of discounted clothing, shoes, household items, etc. similar to the offerings at a regular Walmart or Target. Bulls Eye is the only department store in Show Low and the nearest other discount retailer is Target, located 49 miles away in Eagar. Bulls Eye, therefore, has some market power in its local area. Despite having some market power, Bulls Eye is currently suffering losses. An analyst at Bulls Eye is recommending to the manager to raise prices, so that profitability can be improved. The manager is unsure of this strategy as recent data points to increasing number of individuals shopping more and more. What are the pros and cons of raising the prices at Bulls Eye and would that strategy be profitable?Market Structures and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems. A small business which produces plastic vacuum-suction covers for round household dishes hasa monopoly that is protected by a utility patent. The market demand curve for this product is estimated to be 25P where Q is the number of plate covers per year and P is in dollars. Cost estimation processes have determined that the firms cost function is represented by + 2500Q -0.25*Q2. 2. Greener Grass Company (GGC) competes with its main rival, Better Lawns and Gardens (BLG), in the supply and installation of in-ground lawn watering frames in the wealthy western suburbs of a major east-coast city.Last year, GGCs price for the typical lawn system was $1,995 compared with BLGs price of $2,100. GGC installed 9,130 systems, or about 55% of total sales and BLG installed the rest. (No doubt many additional systems were installed by do-it-yourself homeowner s since the parts are pronto available at hardware stores.)Week 5Good Will in Price Bidding. Sometimes, a bidder on a work contract whitethorn bid lower than what would maximize his/her profit from the contract and the reason for that is to create goodwill (to increase expected future business from the buyer). How would you value the goodwill that is obtained in this way?New Product Introduction. Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany owns the Alka-Seltzer, which was launched in 1931 and was meant for relief of minor aches, pains, inflammation, fever, headache, heartburn, sour stomach, indigestion, and hangovers. The Alka-Seltzer Plus was a spin-off of the original medicine, meant to relieve colds and flu. The company has recently introduced a new and improved Alka-Seltzer Plus, as described in the TV ad The Cold Truth, (please, watch the ad listed in the Required Readings)Price Quotes and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems. Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. Maxim Motronics A.G. have been marketing a new product in Europe that has achieved notable market success and it now plans to introduce this product into the United Statesmarket.Week 6Game Theory and Strategic Behavior. call up that GE is trying to prevent Maytag from entering the market for high efficiency clothes dryers. Even though high efficiency dryers are more pricy to produce, they are also more profitable as they command sufficiently higher prices from consumers. The following payoffs table shows the annual profits for GE and Maytag for the advertising expenditure and entry decisions that they are facing. Based on this information, can GE successfully prevent Maytag from entering this market by increasing its advertising levels? What is the equilibrium outcome in this game? Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Describe the cir cumstances under which a firm chooses a low-cost strategy to attain sustainable competitive advantage. What about the situations when a differentiation strategy is chosen? Provide specific real world examples. Focus of the Final PaperResearch a specific company of your choice and identify some of the managerial decisions that were made over time and in response to changes in its market or competitive environment. Use the Ashford University Online Library and web-based sources for your research. At least three external scholarly sources must be used. Address all of the following areas Describe the company and provide a brief history of its operations. Find or use graphs to illustrate its financial performance over the years. Identify any sources of risk or uncertainty in its operations. Do the financial reports indicate risky or uncertain activities or changes to the economic environment that ultimately appear to have affected the companys financial outcomes? Be specific. Are there a ny government regulations that have affected this companys operations domestically or abroad? Explain.
Home schooling Essay
Home schooled children are argued to pay problems concerning their social development. This is expected to happen since their initiation is perceived to be limited and devoid of contact with children who are also developing like them. It may be a surprise to many precisely it is not true and there are several reasons that are primarily empirical proofs to the issue. The following are compelling evidences that there is no such liaison as social development problems that accompany home schooled children.The issue on social development lies on the premise that social skills and emotional light have a lot to do with successful adaptation and better if not excellent performance in academics and much later in the workplace. Social adjustment then is a key component in the much heralded findings on emotional intelligences quotient (EI or EQ) superiority over intelligence quotient (traditionally known standard of measurement).In addition, the rationale for home learning is more than p rotecting the child from the more negative influences that are in the current educational systems today believers of the home school paradigm look forward to developing lifelong learners who are better catalysts in the ever-changing world we live in. What ordure be more compelling are independent studies advanced and done by Shyers, Seligman, Adams and Smedley whose works have been either intentionally overlooked rather by those educators and policymakers who refused to have their perceptions changed or could not simply afford the change to occur.Seligman is known for his treatise on optimism as a concept that defines and describes the kind of child who has an edge in the harsh realities of the school and the environment as a whole which moldiness be chew the fatn developing in a child (Bunday, 2006). Schools churn out children who must have high self-esteem for them to succeed, but ironically, it has become eluded the school and the children.Optimism is only built within the chil d through the parental oversight rather than a schools primary task hence, home schooling can be deduced as better at it than the traditional venue. Socialization if we take succession to think about it has something to do with maturity and the ability to understand other people and have the sensitivity to look at others in their respective contexts which in essence adults with experience and wisdom can do and can train or convey to their children in a personal way.Not so with a bigger and more impersonal school system (Bunday, 2006). Adams wrote about the better way which is biblical approach of training children and home is the foundational avenue to instill these set of respect, cooperation and consideration of others (Bunday, 2006). Shyers in a well-researched thesis did a comparative study on the traditional and home school set up employing the Piers-Harris Childrens Self-Concept overcome to measure self-esteem showing that there is not a significant difference between the r esults of the two groups (Shyers, 2009).The implications simply reveal of the home school grace that defies the kind of training deemed only to be received or provided by the school system a picture of children in the area of socialization and their abilities to see themselves among difference kinds of people and situations regardless of whether they come from the traditional or home schooled way (Bunday, 2006).Lastly, Smedley discussed in his seminal work focused on daily living, intercourse and socialization skills as items of interest and found out that home schooled children scored higher with percentile at 84 in comparison to the percentile of 27 on the traditionally schooled children. Smedley used the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales which is a standardized tool or instrument in his study. Conclusions in the study are obviously enlighten home schooling is better at the main issue posited by most opponents on the system (Bunday, 2006).Therefore, socialization is not impossi ble with home schooling and cannot be levelled at those who choose to have their children trained to learn life skills at home. Reference Bunday, Karl 2006. Socialization A Great Reason Not to Go to School. Accessed May 7, 2009 at http//learninfreedom. org/socialization. html Shyers, Larry E (2009). Comparison of Social Adjustment Between Home and Traditionally Schooled Students. DA9304052, from UMI, 1 (800) 521-3042. )
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