Monday, July 29, 2019
State with reasons the aims which you consider are relevant for Essay
State with reasons the aims which you consider are relevant for present day education. What social factors are likely to influence learners' achievements of these aims - Essay Example The various aims could be identified and compartmentalized under the following heads: 1. Development of cognitive skills: When a child grows up into an adolescent and later on into an adult, it has to be gradually trained to observe and understand various things, principles and aspects of life. The environment teaches many things but if the learner is not properly trained to understand things in the proper perspective, then s/he is likely to misunderstand many principles which ultimately may have an adverse impact on the entire life. It is here that education steps in and assumes a responsible role of helping the learner to observe and understand things in the proper perspective. Under Instructional objectives in any learning exercise the " cognitive objectives assume primary significance and these comprise, i. Knowledge ii. Comprehension iii. Application iv. Analysis v. Synthesis and vi. Evaluation "2 ( Rashid,M 1999) The main perceptive skills of seeing, hearing, and feeling have to be gradually developed to a mature level of understanding to make the learner's jud gment faultless and worthwhile. The various subjects he studies at school, the various exercises he is put under and the instructions given by his teachers greatly help to hone the understanding skills. This helps him to perceive different stimuli properly and assimilate their import properly in his memory file, and for later reference and judgment. The periodical tests and examinations aim at evaluating how well the learner has been developing his cognitive skills so as to understand the issues involved in various problems and come up with acceptable, if not entirely ideal, solutions. If this aim of education is achieved, full credit can be given to such an education and the educators. 2. Development of analytical skills: At every point in a grown-up individual's life, whether he is an adolescent or an adult, he or she is called upon to take decisions on various issues, affecting their lives as well as those of others. Unless he takes the right decisions, his further actions cannot be expected to bear favourable results. More often than not, problems crop up in different places, mainly because some of the concerned individuals are not able to analyse problems correctly, with the result, they take wrong decisions which have an adverse impact on all persons concerned. This can be avoided only if all the persons associated with a problem have a fairly good ability to analyze things in the proper perspective and arrive at a reasonably good decisions. This is possible only when the education they had received had equipped them with proper skills to study things with patience and concentration so that they don't commit any error in understanding the issues involved. Obje ctive analytical skills is based mainly on one's ability to take in things as they are and start asking relevant questions which are likely to bring out more information concerning the issues. This way a proper understanding of the entire problem is ensured. Understanding paves the way for solutions in many problems. This is what education trains in individuals when it coaches the students with a variety of mathematical and scientific problems, which form the training ground for developing the problem solving skills to
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